with oldBase as ( select substr(createdAt, 1, 7) as ym, -- レコード作成日時情報(項目名は適宜変更) count(1) as old_count from dataset.oldtable -- 旧テーブルを指定 group by 1 ) , newBase as ( select substr(createdAt, 1, 7) as ym, -- レコード作成日時情報(項目名は適宜変更) count(1) as new_count from dataset.newtable -- 新テーブルを指定 group by 1 ) select coalesce(o.ym, n.ym) as ym, -- oldとnewどちらかの月にしかレコードない場合の考慮 o.old_count, n.new_count, o.old_count - n.new_count as diff from oldBase as o full join newBase as n using(ym) order by 1
with oldBase as ( select * except(addColumn1) -- except指定することで、diffの対象外項目を指定する。不要なら削除する from dataset.oldtable -- 旧テーブルを指定 ) , newBase as ( select * except(addColumn1) -- except指定することで、diffの対象外項目を指定する。不要なら削除する from dataset.newtable -- 新テーブルを指定 ) , diff as ( select 'old_diff' as status, * from ( select * from oldBase except distinct select * from newBase) union all select 'new_diff' as status, * from ( select * from newBase except distinct select * from oldBase) ) select * from diff order by 1